Author Archives: HealingPower
Comparing four water samples Doncaster tap water, with the use of a 15 stage filter, black and elite samples there was a momentary increase in pH of the black shungite sample from 6.2 to 6.8 alarmingly the 15 stage filter sample had risen to 8.4, the elite sample had stayed at 6.2, the test was […]
1. A radiation absorbing storage molecule comprising: a Buckminsterfullerene C60 molecule; and a radioactive material encapsulated within the Buckminsterfullerene C60 molecule; wherein the C60 molecule has an electronically closed shell and is controlled to rotate at a minimum speed of 3×1010 s-1 to trap harmful radiation emitted by the encapsulated radioactive material.
It was revealed that the introduction of solutions of C60 fullerenol in various concentrations (1 mg/kg, 10 mg/kg, and 100 mg/kg) into soddy-podzolic sandy loamy soil contributed to the activation of the processes of nitrogen transformation in the soil, in particular, the enhancement of the process of nitrification, and to the increase in the content […]
As a sorbent for water purifying from various industrial contaminants, as well as domestic sewage, a granular filter filled with shungite of Novocarbon 10 grade was installed. Since shungites with a carbon content of about 30% have a total porosity of 5- 10%, a significant internal surface (in the range of 10-30 m2 / g), […]
Flu and lurgy trying it on? well try this: shungite water steaming boil of hot water, head over with towel and breath in the fullerene rich steamy vapor, followed by a relaxing toxic water with shungite stones in it, the NIH actually published a paper stating the C60 (found in shungite) enhances the effect of […]
Detox your biggest organ daily, that sounds hard! Nope just by swapping your regular soap for a silver activated shungite soap you will being giving your first line of defense the best boost and cleanse daily…so simple and so easy, and so enjoyable too with citrus eruptions of organic essential oils blend of lime, grapefruit, […]
Shungite Powder is simply amazing: Fullerene’s are 500 TIMES MORE POTENT THAN VITAMIN C in antioxidants. They (FULLERENE’S) can also Bio-accumulate, meaning build up in your system, unlike Vitamin C which will be discarded if not used by the body within 24 hours. Shungite has 108 trace minerals needed for optimum health. Carbon has the […]
Shungite in St. Isaac’s Cathedral. In the decoration of St. Isaac’s Cathedral, Montferrand used various types of marble and granite as decorative elements. Tivdi and Ruskeala marble, Shokshin porphyry, and shungite mined in Karelia were widely used in the decoration of the cathedral. St. Isaac’s Cathedral was built over forty years from 1818 to 1858. […]