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Research and Links

With C60 & Shungite taking the scientific community by storm theres lots of research to wade through, here we have provied links if your feeling nerdy and want to see what all the fuss is about:

Fullerene Approach for Efficient Photokilling of Infectious Bacteria and Cancer
Link >

Successful identification of safe and effective fullerenes which have both AChE-protection and antioxidant properties will provide potential to protect and treat acute and delayed effects of nerve agent poisoning. fullerenes were highly active in killing alltested microbes (4–6 logs) under conditions in which mammalian cells were comparatively unharmed. These compounds performed significantly better than a widely used antimicrobialphotosensitizer
Link >

Fullerene’s effective as nanoparticle in dermatological and cosmetic applications, results
Link >

C60 (1μm and 50 nm)

(CASRN 99685-96-8)

Administered by

Nose-only InhalationFullerene C60 (1μm and 50 nm)

(CASRN 99685-96-8)

Administered by Nose-only Inhalation

International Journal of Advanced Scientific and Technical Research Issue 3 volume 6, Nov.-Dec. 2013 

The structure and composition of natural carbonaceous

fullerene containing mineral shungite  (Great Read indeed!)


1. A radiation absorbing storage molecule comprising: a Buckminsterfullerene C60 molecule; and a radioactive material encapsulated within the Buckminsterfullerene C60 molecule; wherein the C60 molecule has an electronically closed shell and is controlled to rotate at a minimum speed of 3×1010 s-1 to trap harmful radiation emitted by the encapsulated radioactive material.   https://www.freepatentsonline.com/5640705.html

Nobel Prize Winners 1986: Fullerenes


Researchers at Rice, Kazan universities develop unique sorbents, and target Fukushima accident radioactive water site using Shungite:


Antioxidant and Anti-Inflammatory Effects of Shungite against Ultraviolet B Irradiation-Induced Skin Damage in Hairless Mice


Fullerene nanoparticle in dermatological and cosmetic applications:


fullerenes used in diagnosing and treating tumors:


Fullerene Approach for Efficient Photokilling of Infectious Bacteria and Cancer Cells:



Comprehensive overall study :


Air pollutants diseases being solved by using Fullerene C60 on skin conditions:


Fullerenes proven to aid hair growth:


Recent toxicology studies suggest that nanosized aggregates of fullerene molecules can enter cells and alter their functions, and also cross the blood-brain barrier:


Successful identification of safe and effective fullerenes which have both AChE-protection and antioxidant properties will provide potential to protect and treat acute and delayed effects of nerve agent poisoning:


Fullerene C60 Administered by Nose-only Inhalation:


 fullerenes were highly active in killing alltested microbes (4–6 logs) under conditions in which mammalian cells were comparatively unharmed. These compounds performed significantly better than a widely used antimicrobialphotosensitizer: 



In the first of two experiments, crickets injected with C60 fullerene prior to envenomation experienced 15.7% and 25.0% higher rates of survival at 24 and 48 hr, respectively, compared to control crickets. In the second experiment, survival analysis confirmed that crickets protected with C60, regardless of C60 dose (1, 2, or 4 μg/g cricket mass), experienced greater survival up to 60 hr and survived significantly longer than controls. C60 fullerene conferred significant protection against rattlesnake envenomation in a cricket model. Accordingly, C60 fullerene merits further consideration as a simple, low-cost treatment for snakebite and potentially many other forms of poisoning and envenomation.


Recent advances in snakebite antivenom with C60 (shungite) extract: Prolonged survival of Acheta domesticus specimens (crickets) envenomed with Crotalus oreganushelleri venom. Twenty-four hours after injection, crickets that were administered the C60 fullerene, followed by administration of venom, had an average survival rate that was 15.7% higher than that of controls not receiving the C60 fullerene. After 48 h, the average survival rate was 25.0% higher []. These results warrant further studies in mammalian models. The C60 fullerene possesses several qualities desirable in an antivenom supplement, such as being cheap, stable, and having a great volume of distribution.

Link 1

Link 2

Shungite Soap and healing Balm are amazing for the skin especially getting rid of blemishes and heres a study proving this too: The mean number of inflammatory lesions (erythematous papules and pustules) significantly decreased (reduction rate 23.2%) (reduction rate 37.8%), respectively. The number of pustules, consisting of accumulation of neutrophils, was significantly decreased (reduction rate 87.6%), and further in vitro assays of sebum production in hamster sebocytes revealed that 75 μM polyvinylpyrrolidone-fullerene inhibits sebum production, suggesting that fullerene suppresses acne through decreasing neutrophil infiltration and sebum production. After treatment for 8 weeks, the water content of the skin significantly (P < 0.05) increased.

Recent studies on nanomaterials such as fullerenes, carbon nanotubes and graphene showed that they possess anti-inflammatory, antiviral, anti-oxidant and anti-HIV properties: Stabilizing interactions between fullerenes and the spike protein of SARS-CoV-2. Furthermore, a recent experimental [] study showed that the lipid layer present in the virus of COVID-19 can be deactivated by the nanocarbon-coated surfaces, such as fullerenes. Other studies showed anti-cancer effects of fullerene derivatives SARS-CoV-2 is found to cause several and very different symptoms, such as hypoxemia (lack of oxygen). Once the cell is infected with SARS-CoV-2, it depletes the cell in oxygen. It is known that fullerenes adsorb oxygen molecules and the presence of heteroatoms on them systematically reduces the energy gap, this means that the exchange of electrons is greater and become most reactive compared to pure fullerenes [,]. The presence of oxygen atoms on the surface of fullerenes will promote the formation of hydrogen bonds with various targets (spike protein and hACE2), which will strengthen the binding of modified fullerenes to these targets and thus inhibit the penetration of SARS-CoV-2 inside the cell.


C60 (shungite) listed as a way to Neutralize Potential Damage from mRNA Vaccines

PUBLIC BULLETIN: Those who regret getting vaccinated can still neutralize the inevitable mRNA damage.

Fullerenes absorb electromagnetic energy:

‘We demonstrated the shape memory nanolens array that contains fullerenes not only to absorb electromagnetic energy but also to reinforce the nanostructure. In particular, Young’s modulus of the composite was enhanced by more than ten times by incorporating fullerene into SMPs.’https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3834361/

The prospect of treating shungite in various ways
to increase its absorption properties and increase the efficiency of
water treatment with nano silver and steam during beverage production is shown here:


As a sorbent for water purifying from various industrial
contaminants, as well as domestic sewage, a granular filter filled with shungite of Novocarbon 10
grade was installed. Since shungites with a carbon content of about 30% have a total porosity of 5-
10%, a significant internal surface (in the range of 10-30 m2
/ g), a bulk density of about 1.1 g / cm3
possess high mechanical strength, electrical conductivity, chemical stability , catalytic and bactericidal
properties, it makes shungites an attractive and promising material in the processes of drinking and
technical water preparation (both in flow systems and wells), in the processes of filtration and
adsorption purification of wastewater from organic and inorganic substances.https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1755-1315/272/2/022075/pdf

Raman spectroscopic study of natural nanostructured carbon materials:
shungite vs. anthraxolite


 Conductive Properties of Natural Disordered sp2 Carbon: https://www.mdpi.com/2079-4991/12/21/3797

Farming studies with fullerenes: https://scholar.google.co.uk/scholar?q=agronomic+supplementary+study+on+fullerenes&hl=en&as_sdt=0&as_vis=1&oi=scholart

The improvement in the physiological state of plants had a positive effect on the growth rates of cucumber plants plus other beneficial effects:  https://www.mdpi.com/2311-7524/9/7/828

Shungite in view of neutron scattering and its Hydrogen content:


anti-oxidant properties of shungite: https://www.mdpi.com/2076-3921/10/7/1121

the negative effects of EMF outlined : https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6025786/

Shungite is an amazing stone found in Russia -This particular part of Finland was annexed by the Russian government after the second world war, so they now own the shungite deposit which is an area covering 3,475 square miles and is the only natural form of C60, in 1996 Professors Kroto, Smalley, & Curl were awarded the Nobel Prize for discovering the ‘fullerene’ now found in Shungite, as well as there now being many more scientific studies proving its ability to clear toxins, electromagnetic fields and radiation, to kill bacteria, cleanse water and heal the body.

Shungite has been used as a folk medical treatment since the early 18th century. Peter the Great set up Russia’s first spa in Karelia, to make use of the water purifying properties of shungite, which he had himself experienced. He also instigated its use in providing purified water for the Russian army. The anti-bacterial properties of shungite have been confirmed by modern testing.

Link >

  • 60ghrtz 5G is the frequency that boils water molecules inside the body (of everything): Shungite stops ‘Necrosis’ which is the overheating of the body’s cells
  • Wifi frequencies damage the myelin sheath that is the coating for our bodies nervous system: Shungite is an anti-histamine, this repairs the myelin sheath that covers our nerves that are damaged by Electromagnetic frequencies
  • Within the telecommunications towers a ‘harmonizing filter’ (aka shunt/CoVFeFe) is used to correct the frequency of the damaging electromagnetic frequencies by reversing them, shungite reverses frequencies that have a left-hand direction to them to make them spin in line with nature, this creates harmony within the environment and the body.
  • Using Oraphim silver infused shungite makes your devices, that are emitting the received signals safe to be around.
  • The shunt harmonizing filters are made from an annealed magnetic alloy, shungite is also an annealed magnetic compound.
  • Silver infused Shungite creates a natural magnetic field around it that is the solution to electromagnetic disturbances.
  • Where there is an unnatural square wave spinning in opposition to nature, silver infused shungite creates perfect harmony sine waves that enhance positivity and well-being. 
  • The chemical composition of shungites from Zazhoginsky deposit (Karelia, Russian Federation), in % (w/w).

№ Chemical component Content, % (w/w)

1 С 30.0

2 SiO2 57.0

3 TiO2 0.2

4 Al2O3 4,0

5 FeO 0.6

6 Fe2O3 1.49

7 MgO 1.2

8 MnO 0.15

9 CaO 0.3

10 Na2O 0.2

11 K2O 1.5

12 S 1.2

13 H2O 1.7

 Indicators of performance of filters based of mineral shungite

№ Common water pollutants The removal degree,

1 Fe2+/Fe3+ 95%

2 Zn2+ 80%

3 Pb2+ 85%

4 Cu2+ 85%

5 Cs2+ 90%

6 St2+ 97%

7 Radionuclides 90%

8 Fluorine 80%

9 Ammonia 90%

10 Chlorine and organochlorine compounds 85%

11 Phenols 90%

12 Dioxins 97%

13 Helminth’s eggs 90%

14 Smell 85%

15 Turbidity 95%

15 Turbidity 95%

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    Join Us and add some Shungite magic to your Journey!

    Everyone has a unique path to Shungite, here at Oraphim we help folks engage with it at a deep level, taking a magical journey to sharing it with others is really special & rewarding in so many ways, and help us get it out to creating health, happiness and a shungite reality!

    Please use the contact form opposite and we'll get back to you as quickly as possible.

    Alternatively, on etsy we also have a wholesale section with great savings. 

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      Join Us and add some Shungite magic to your Journey!

      Everyone has a unique path to Shungite, here at Oraphim we help folks engage with it at a deep level, taking a magical journey to sharing it with others is really special & rewarding in so many ways, and help us get it out to creating health, happiness and a shungite reality!

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      Alternatively, on etsy we also have a wholesale section with great savings. 

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