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Water Purification

Shungite is widely used as the best alternative to charcoal for water treatment in Russia, as it out performs its carbon counterpart many times over, and with the additional benefit of not needing to be replaced (ever) due to its unique ability to blast apart chemicals/reversing the molecular spin at 20 billion times a second, instead of absorbing them.

Shungite has been recorded to remove heavy metals from the body safely as well as free radicals in many medical studies with many health benefits reported by Dr’s and professors.

Shungite lowers the surface tension which increases the body’s ability to hydrate properly.

The biggest lakes in the world are up in the only shungite rich region, the water is so pure you can drink it straight from the lake with no filtration, shungite causes no adverse effects over long term use.

Our stones are from Zazhoginskoje (Russian/Finland Border) we suggest the the shungite plain stone chips are used by rinsing off under a tap then adding to a jug, the longer you infuse the water before drinking the more healing and energising the water becomes, it is so energising it may even keep you awake at night, we have also developed our toggles, these easily attach to taps & bottles, shungite is so amazing that it works by not even needing to touch the water, as it emits its quantum energy to the water to transform it in to delicious healing water.

Not much is needed to transform your water, minimum of 3 stones or 1 toggle. 

With pets water: 3 small stones and your pets will be super happy too, see the lack of ‘film’on the cats water bowl…

According to medical studies 100ml of healing shungite water on an empty stomach is all that’s required to be highly beneficial for digestive issues, with rapid relief via steam inhalations for respiratory issues.

NEWS FLASH: Researchers at Rice University and Kazan Federal University in Russia have found a way to extract radioactivity from water and said their discovery could help purify the hundreds of millions of gallons of contaminated water stored after the Fukushima nuclear plant accident. The researchers were surprised to see that plain shungite particles extracted almost as much cesium as its oxidized counterpart. “Interestingly, plain shungite was used by local people for water purification from ancient times,” Dimiev said. “But we have increased its efficiency many times, as well as revealed the factors behind its effectiveness.” heres the article: http://ow.ly/gNw050JWBzx 


Indicators of performance of filters with mineral shungite stones:

№ Common water pollutants the removal degree,

1 Fe2+/Fe3+ 95%

2 Zn2+ 80%

3 Pb2+ 85%

4 Cu2+ 85%

5 Cs2+ 90%

6 St2+ 97%

7 Radionuclides 90%

8 Fluorine 80%

9 Ammonia 90%

10 Chlorine and organochlorine compounds 85%

11 Phenols 90%

12 Dioxins 97%

13 Helminth’s eggs 90%

14 Smell 85%

15 Turbidity 95%

Shungite Healing Waters

HOW TO MAKE: Naturally Restructured & Remineralized SHUNGITE WATER

Drinking shungite water for better hydration, (due to the lowered surface tension)

& increased cellular cleansing with delivery of essential energy to the body’s cells.

Place minimum of 3 stones in each container, glass/ceramic/BPA free ideally. (& Pets water)

Shungite reverses the harmful toxins instantaneously breaking the molecular cohesion of toxins so they disappear,

scientifically proven to remove 99%  of bacteria,

you can leave for 3 days, for even more of the healing fullerene infused sweet tasting shungite water.

You can place your shungite stones out in the sun for a couple of days every 4-6 months, that is all they need to keep working.

The little organza bag included in our kits, is for you to pop a few in for your bath and that way they won’t get lost down the plug hole!

Deeply understanding Shungite by Cassie Limb

To help understand just how different shungite is to anything else we have ever encountered, lets just change one letter and for this moment call it shunGATE, the energy that shungate is emitting is from the quantum field, this energy spins at 20 Billion times a second, that simply blasts apart the molecular cohesion of the chemicals to purify the water, this energy is simply not held within the stone it self, the stone is a gateway for the energy to use to enter our realm, now bear this in mind and ask yourself when will the quantum field run out of energy to send through the shunGATE…..not in your life time….not ever.

 Now we have a lot in common with shungite, energised by the sun, so our suppliers suggest that every 4-6 months just pop them in the sun for a few days.

If i am to explain how shungite truly works in this amazing way, i have no intention of ever selling you replacement stones, claiming they’ll need replacing to get a repeat customer.

i would however make the suggestion that you use your stones in water with a minimum of 3 stones, 1 is ok, but if you have ever been shown what happens when two are held close but not touching… its magical, they feel like magnets, this feeling gets stronger as you pull them apart…its like they are communicating, and its linked to the law of resonance, it really amplifies the active filed, and again like us, get energized by being with others.


The black raw shungite is phenomenal for water purification, elite happens to be more phenomenal…shungite is amazing you don’t ‘need’ elite, it is much more expensive and again i don’t upsell to make money out of people, if you feel more of an infinity to elite that will work for you, but raw black  stones does exactly what it needs to do….

Black shungite stones are extremely healing and powerful, we had a gentelman who was under going radiation therapy, which was doubled by mistake for a while, he was just drinking water with black shungite stones in it, upon checking due to the over dosing of radiation treatment his liver & kidney functions were ‘normal’, never doubt the grade 2 is phenomenal.

Peter the Great set up Russia’s first spa in Karelia to make use of the healing shungite water 

and it’s purifying properties, which he had himself experienced. 

He also instigated its use in providing purified water for the Russian army, by giving everyone in

 his army shungite stones to put in water wherever they went. 

The antibacterial properties of shungite have been confirmed by modern testing. 

(see the scientific papers on our resources page for available downloads)

 Shungite activity against pathogenic micro flora shows shungite has strong bactericidal properties, 

which allows to carry out the efficient disinfection of drinking water.

There is evidence that after the passage of water containing bacterium E. coli, through a shungite filter there is an almost complete removal of this bacterium.

It is shown that the water passed through shungite or infused with shungite has a general revitalizing effect on the body, reduces skin irritation, itching, rashes, effective in vegetative vascular dystonia, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, kidney stones and other diseases.

The water filters based on shungite have been developed and applied in Russia since 1995.

Shungite studies show up to 95% of contaminants being removed including organochlorine compounds, phenol’s, dioxins, heavy metals, radiosondes, etc, removes turbidity and color, and gives the water a good organoleptic qualities, additionally saturating it with micro-and macro-elements.

Purification for water

  • Never buy another expensive charcoal filter replacement again!
  • Shungite lowers the surface tension in water enabling greater hydration, cleansing & healing (Kinetic Electric effect)
  • Shungite kills bacteria by 99% 
  • Removes harmful toxins
  • Shungite is breaking the molecular cohesion of toxins so they disappear 

Water transformation toggles

  •  Ideal for taps/Garden hoses/water sport bottles

  • Beer bottles or wine bottle

  • Even wear in your hair!

    The unique ability of shungite is that it creates an active field around it, so this is why the toggles work from the outside of your bottle or on your taps.

 Indicators of performance of filters based of mineral shungite

№ Common water pollutants The removal degree, 

1 Fe2+/Fe3+ 95%

2 Zn2+ 80%

3 Pb2+ 85%

4 Cu2+ 85%

5 Cs2+ 90%

6 St2+ 97%

7 Radionuclides 90%

8 Fluorine 80%

9 Ammonia 90%

10 Chlorine and organochlorine compounds 85%

11 Phenols 90%

12 Dioxins 97%

13 Helminth’s eggs 90%

14 Smell 85%

15 Turbidity 95%

Further Reading/results published on Shungite Water 

(see the resources page to access the full paper)

The Health benefits of shungite are wide ranging, below is further reading for you regarding them.

Shungite is:





Immunostimulant- in the absence of a response to the stimulation of the IgE


Protection from ionizing and non-ionizing radiation

Electrically conductive

Protects us from harmful EMF’s

Neutralizes toxins within the body

On the energetic level, shungite is a protector, clearing negativity (no need to cleanse shungite) amplifier for other crystals, Timeline shifter & powerful manifesting partner to you.

The following results are from the work with Shungite by Grigory Andrievsky.

Shungite works as an adaptogen: operating at both the cellular level and at the level of the whole body at the same time, this is because shungite creates a ‘field’

Natural Fullerenes from Shungite not only have the ability to reduce the concentration of the free radicals as no other antioxidant can, but their action is stronger and it lasts longer; acting as catalyzers, attracting free radicals that end up stuck to it, covering its entire football shaped surface leading to their molecular transformation into a neutral compound, with the shungite molecule still attracting more free radicals.

Shungite normalizes cellular metabolism

Shungite increases enzymatic activity

Stimulating the ability to regenerate tissue

Increasing the resistance of the body’s cells

Posses anti-inflammatory properties

Fosters the exchange of new neurotransmitters

Acts against toxins neutralizing them in the body

Significantly increases the stabilizing bio-molecules that have been exposed to excess heat, speeding up healing for internal organs resulting in burns and other necrotic processes (high-fevers -vaccinations) beaing healed, also with blood levels returning to normal extremely quickly in patients having radiation therapy for cancer.

The following results are from the work with Shungite by Nina Kolesnikova and her team.

A 10-15 min bath stabilised the condition of people who had hypo tension, psoriasis and joint problems, it also increased their well-being and desire to return to normal physically active life.

A paste made with shungite powder applied to psoriasis & joint issues for 20-30 mis for several successive days, created a reduction in lesions, lessening of pain, increase in joint mobility, decrease in joint stiffness.

Shungite was also used as a mouthwash for sore throats, stomatitis and periodontists and gave good results.

With 100ml dosage of shungite water on an empty stomach with significant results for chronic colitis, gastritis, pancreatitis and cholecystitis, including having a toning and anti-inflammatory effect, reducing bloating, acid reflux. Also noted was the reduction in the amounts of medication needed by these patients.

The field of study for shungite applications is growing exponentially and with Shungite becoming the go to solution for many many people, we are here to help. 

Elite shungite comprises of only 1% of the deposit, formed as 18″ veins that run through the main deposit, it is quite fragile and requires excavating by hand, this make it much more expensive. 

Elite shungite is 98% carbon with a higher concentration of fullerene molecules present. It also has a lighter Frequency to it.

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Join Us and add some Shungite magic to your Journey!

Everyone has a unique path to Shungite, here at Oraphim we help folks engage with it at a deep level, taking a magical journey to sharing it with others is really special & rewarding in so many ways, and help us get it out to creating health, happiness and a shungite reality!

Please use the contact form opposite and we'll get back to you as quickly as possible.

Alternatively, on etsy we also have a wholesale section with great savings. 

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    Join us as a stockist or reseller!

    Join Us and add some Shungite magic to your Journey!

    Everyone has a unique path to Shungite, here at Oraphim we help folks engage with it at a deep level, taking a magical journey to sharing it with others is really special & rewarding in so many ways, and help us get it out to creating health, happiness and a shungite reality!

    Please use the contact form opposite and we'll get back to you as quickly as possible.

    Alternatively, on etsy we also have a wholesale section with great savings. 

      Join us as a stockist or reseller!

      Join Us and add some Shungite magic to your Journey!

      Everyone has a unique path to Shungite, here at Oraphim we help folks engage with it at a deep level, taking a magical journey to sharing it with others is really special & rewarding in so many ways, and help us get it out to creating health, happiness and a shungite reality!

      Please use the contact form opposite and we'll get back to you as quickly as possible.

      Alternatively, on etsy we also have a wholesale section with great savings. 

      Due to spam and scam emails, once you have submitted your reseller application, please contact us separately by email, phone or message to confirm your identification and we'll set up your account as quickly as possible!