Shungites ability to purify water:

Shungite stones can be used in the bath and shower heads to clear
Chlorine which has a negative impact on our healthy ingestion and
processing of nutrients. Chlorine inhibits the sulphur in our foods
from being processed and our bloodstream from being activated
with oxygenated blood. This is detrimental to our cells which need
energy to complete their life cycle and not mutate and multiply as
cancer cells. It is vital that our cells receive enough energy to perform
‘apoptosis’ also known as ‘programmed cell death’ otherwise these
die-eased cells can clump together forming cancerous masses.
Shungite is the only available element that when used in the last stages
of filtration is capable of clearing the water of hazardous medical
substances such as pharmaceutical medicines from the water supply
according to Yuri Klavdievich, a Doctor of Technical Sciences.
Studies conducted by M V Kopylov, I N Bolgova, N L Kleymenova
concluded that Shungite’s influence on water is diverse. During the
process of water purification it acts as a filtering material, sorbent,
catalyst of purification and reduction processes and as a biological
disinfection agent in the purification of industrial waste filtering
processes of the heavily polluting petrochemical industry.
Shungite is so amazing that it can even affect the aether and water in
a container without physically touching it, which is often overlooked
by mainstream examiners and scientists on the topic.