Protection and extra well being from Shungite for your Pets. Energize your elderly pets, shungite gives them an extra leap in their lollop! Calm Your Kitties! Even cats that don’t like wearing collars love their shungite collars!
5 out of 5 stars
I saw an immediate change in my dawg when I attached this to his collar. There is a spark in him that wasn’t there before. I am happy to have Oraphim here. D Haber
The tags & collars are adorable, the cats have never like wearing collars and always find a way to take them off. But they haven’t even try with this. 15 Jun, 2020
Received package yesterday, but dogs seem happy and elderly one seems to have perked up, woofs
Joanna 27 Apr, 2022
Our Merlin, an old adoptee cat we have been trying to nurse back to health. He was deathly sick and thin to the bones when we first adopted him. To help him heal we gave him a normal shungite collar for the most part of the last half year and it helped him with multiple problems, some disappearing completely and keeping the inflammation level in check. He’s been wearing his new pretty collar for a week now and all the positive effects we witnessed with the non silver infused shungite have been doubled. Most notably in terms of energy level. I really recommend this to anyone who either wishes to keep their pets from getting sick or help them cure from illness! Not only does it look great but also works undeniably well in phases when pets need assistance! оливия 16 Jan, 2020
The Health benefits of shungite are wide ranging, and here we have made a variety of pet collars and metal tags.